Posts in self help anxiety relief
Making Friends With Your Fears

For years my friend 'Jenn Moonbear' has been sharing magical stories about her Shaman teachings and the sweat lodge ceremonies she is passionate about. I was invited to join her and experience my first sweat lodge healing and the alchemy of a lodge pouring ceremony. A new dance chief would be pouring her first lodge and Jennifer was assembling an intimate group to honor the new leaders first official ceremony.

Before participating in the ceremony I prepared my body by fasting for the day and drinking a lot of water. I prepared my mind by planning to show up without any expectations. The rich metaphor of this transformational experience rocked my world.

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When Panic Comes Knocking


Paul had been suffering from night time panic attacks for about six months when he had his first daytime experience of panic. When he called me he was upset and worried because he didn't want panic to rear it's head when he might be at work or out with friends. "It's bad enough at night" he told me "but at least then it's private and I've got my routine to cope with it. Actually it's been a bit better lately and I really don't understand why I should suddenly feel like a panic attack's coming on in the day when it never has before."

I asked him what he was doing when he started to feel the symptoms of a panic attack and he began telling me about helping a friend move an old TV out of their house. It was big and heavy and as he was lifting it into his van he noticed his heart was beating fast and from there feelings of panic instantly washed over him. He felt hot, and breathless and he just wanted to escape.


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Sometimes it rains...

I was going through a rough patch with my health, when a friend offered me a new perspective via three wise words "sometimes it rains". It was years ago, but I remember strongly how comforted I felt. Just to acknowledge that sometimes things aren't how you want them to be, but also that they tend not to last forever, helps you understand that things come and go - nothing is permanent.

I think her advice works well for anxiety too.

Just because you feel crippled with anxiety for one hour, or one day, doesn't mean you will be every hour, or every day.

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