614: How to slay your health anxiety
This week on the Anxiety Slayer Podcast we’re responding to several questions from our Private Facebook Group asking us to share more about calming health anxiety.
This episode of Anxiety Slayer is sponsored by Anxiously Ever After (Page Street Publishing, Co.) a memoir by parenting blogger and bestselling author, Clint Edwards. Get your copy at www.bookshop.org or wherever books are sold.
Points covered from this week’s episode:
Everyone’s mind has its vulnerable spots and that’s where anxiety will strike - especially if we are already stressed and highly sensitive.
Understand your health anxiety
Explore what’s going on. This is usually the last thing we want to do, but is the key to understanding and getting the support you’re looking for.
Health anxiety is not the same for everyone.
We might feel anxious for any of the following reasons:
Past bad experiences.
Fear of the white coats.
Dislike of scrutiny.
General health “what ifs”.
A trigger from a family member or friend.
A trigger from the news or a drama.
Once you get specific, you can start taking action to calm your fears and anxious mind.
Tapping Stories
In this episode we share some examples of using Tapping to calm health anxiety.
You can learn more about Tapping here, and in our Health Anxiety Course currently on sale at 50% off with the coupon code: halfprice sale on Teachable.
General Support for Health Anxiety
The following habits and practices are all good for calming anxiety and good for overall health and well-being.
Practicing some healthy habits into your daily life can help break the spell of health anxiety as they help us move from being caught in fearful thinking to being proactive with our self-care.
Talk with a trusted friend or family member
Listen to relaxing music
Run a hot salt bath
Self-oil massage or see a massage therapist
Shiatsu is a wonderful choice to clear stagnant energy
Move your body - walk, run, dance, swim, shake it off, Qigong & Yoga
Deep breathing
Calming essential oils
Check your nutrition
Cut caffeine
Cut sugar & processed foods
Fill your mind with hope and good thoughts.
Invest your mental energy in educating yourself about cultivating vibrant health instead or worrying about it. Learning about health and how to improve your health is proactive and calming, worrying about health is reactive and stressful.
Learn some calming self-care skills and practice them regularly.
In celebration of our 13th Anniversary you can get our online course for health anxiety at the Anxiety Slayer Academy for 50% off!
Learn how to stop health anxiety thoughts from spiraling out of control and hijacking your mind.
Lessons in the course include:
How to stop anxiously fixating on symptoms and sensations in your body
How to use EFT Tapping to stop Health Anxiety and build peace of mind
Plus a calming breathing practice for slowing racing thoughts
Get the health anxiety course for half price with the coupon code: halfpricesale at anxietyslayer.teachable.com