How to make your own Anxiety Slayer first aid kit
In this week's podcast we're celebrating 4 MILLION downloads and replaying one of our most popular episodes: How to make your own Anxiety Slayer first aid kit.
Things we recommend you carry
- water or a flask of warm herbal tea - keeping hydrated is important
- some mints and/or lip salve - sometimes anxiety is triggered by physical sensations that may or may not be anxiety e.g. a dry mouth. That can happen for many reasons but if you have had it with anxiety the chances are your mind has flagged it as a problem or warning signal so you might want to carry some mints and/or lip salve
- a calming playlist on your phone or mp3 player - you could also load some guided breathing preactices, or relaxations or a favourite podcast episode
- Rescue Remedy spray (available from Amazon and most health stores)
- comfortable earphones - many anxiety sufferers are highly sensitive to noise, earphones can help you block out some external sound and choose what you want to hear
- a piece of fruit or snack - if hunger or blood sugar fluctuations affect your anxiety keep a piece of fruit or snack with you.
- a permission note - give yourself permission to stop and take five minutes. Write it on a slip of paper and keep it with you (a tip we borrowed from Brene Brown).
Our personal favourites:
Ananga's support kit:
Noise cancelling earphones and my mp3 player
Earplugs - soft and comfy in case I need to be really quiet for a few minutes
My meditation beads
Rescue Remedy night time spray
Relaxing tea selection: Lemon balm, chamomile, peppermint and fennel
An uplifting book - reading while blocking out noise helps me retreat into my own comfortable environment
Shann's support kit:
Favourite playlists and earphones
Spring water
Colouring markers and journal
Amethyst crystal
All our courses are on sale at 40% off until May 30th - to start slaying your anxiety today.