How can I stop giving anxiety to my significant other?


“My girlfriend of 6 months who I deeply loved wants a break. She says she was heartbroken over my recent episode with a panic attack that was just really bad. She has always been supportive of me and not judgmental about my anxiety because she knew I worked hard at it. But enough was enough and it finally wore her down too. She says she no longer feels any attraction towards me and that anxiety was a trigger. My anxiety has given her anxiety about being with me. It is so incredibly painful. How does one with anxiety not give stress and anxiety to the significant other? Are there any tactics or methods of handling anxiety and bad thoughts after a bad break up? I feel like it is just so defeating because my anxiety pushed her away.”



Points covered in this podcast:

Sometimes anxiety makes people very uncomfortable, or it may trigger them too. As seems to be the case from your question. This is no reflection on you personally, but it does show one of the many ways anxiety impacts our daily lives.


How does one with anxiety not give stress and anxiety to the significant other?

Look after yourself as best you can. Self-care is very important in anxiety management.

Invite your partner to explore some anxiety calming skills with you:

- breathing practices

- a yoga class

- relaxing walks 

Explore together what you find relaxing and helpful and be careful that you don't feel forced into situations that you know might trigger your anxiety.


Learn the Quick Anxiety Stopper for handling panic attacks

When you are prepared with a tool that can help you stop panic attacks you can quickly reduce the threat of anxiety flaring up and spoiling your relationship. We recommend learning the Quick Anxiety Stopper with your partner so you both know what to do if a panic attack starts to build. It's like learning first aid for your mind. Knowing what to do is great protection and can help you regain confidence.


Offer information so your significant other, family and friends all have the opportunity to understand what you're going through. The Mighty has some great posts from anxiety sufferers sharing their experiences.


Are there any tactics or methods of handling anxiety and bad thoughts after a bad break up?

We recommend trying EFT Tapping to: help heal raw emotions calm your worries about this happening again build self-confidence and to help you overcome anxiety in general Find out more at: