706: How can I calm my nervous system?

This week on the Anxiety Slayer Podcast we’re sharing tips for how you can calm your nervous system and regulate your emotional responses to all that life brings you.



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What’s something you’ve always wanted to learn? As an adult, do you make time to learn new things as often as you’d like or do you put your interests off for another time?

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Notes from this week’s episode:

Listener question: ”How do you calm your nervous system?”

Ayurveda (India’s ancient science of life) teaches that the nervous system is governed by the Vata dosha, the same energy that provokes anxiety when we’re out of balance.

THE FIRST THING IS TO ProtecT Your nervous system

Gain an understanding of what affects you negatively and think about how to weeds those things out.

Identify and minimize sources of stress in your life whenever possible. 

Things to look out for include:

Over-stimulation from screens, news, social media, intense drama

Lack of sleep and irregular sleep habits

Stimulants like caffeine

A highly processed diet

Suppression / avoidance of emotions

Ayurveda’s first focus is on making changes to avoid the cause of strain in the nervous system, followed by bringing in support through calming practices, counseling and nutrition to nourish and care for the nervous system.

Movement for grounding and release

Gentle, slow, stretching movements are recommended for supporting the nervous system.

Walking in nature

Restorative Yoga

TaiChi and Qigong

All can help release stress from the body and regulate the nervous system.

Improved rest

When our nervous system is strained we may need extra rest. We certainly need good quality rest.

We’ve recorded several episodes on sleep and have guided relaxations for sleep available on our Patreon.

Emotional honesty and support

Be open to honest reflection and watching your mind to see what it persistently dredges up. When the mind is churning over negative thoughts and emotions it increases stress.

As we notice our patterns we can see where we want to make changes.

Sharing your feelings and experiences with loved ones can provide comfort and reassurance.

Cultivating calm

As we start weeding out the causes of strain in our nervous system, we clear the way to bring in practices that help bring calm and regulation.

Daily practices that invite gratitude and present moment awareness help protect the nervous system from being affected by the mind chewing over our past, or worrying about our future.

Use sensory input to shift your focus away from stressors. Listen to calming music, engage in aromatherapy, and practice deep breathing, and some form of meditation.

Progressive muscle relaxation

Tense and release each muscle group in your body, starting from your toes and moving up to your head. This technique helps promote relaxation and reduce muscle tension.

Engage in mindfulness or meditation practices to focus your attention on the present moment to cultivate a sense of calm. This can involve observing your thoughts and sensations without judgment.

The importance of routine

A daily routine helps regulate the nervous system by bringing familiar touch points to each day. This helps build a sense of predictability and safety.

Routine is grounding and stabilizing, it helps us switch out of the fight or flight response and into better rest and digestion. It sends a message to the body that all is well.

Scheduling time each day for gentle exercise, regular meal times and consistent sleep times are the basics that begin to calm Vata in the mind and settle our nervous system over time.


Get our Guided Tapping Session to help support the mind when it keeps playing fearful thoughts…

You can use this session daily to help retrain the mind to think calmer thoughts, or as an SOS Tapping Session any time you feel overwhelmed with unwanted thoughts you are struggling to control.

Get over 200 Guided Relaxations, Tapping Sessions, and Ayurvedic Teachings for calming anxiety at Patreon.com/anxietyslayer