676: How Ayurveda can lighten up your energy; mind, body and soul

Today on the Anxiety Slayer Podcast, we’re discussing how practicing Ayurveda can help lift your spirits and improve your energy. If you want to learn more about Ayurveda, you’re welcome to explore our new course, 7 Keys to Calming Anxiety at AnxietySlayerAcademy.com


Points covered in this episode:

Ayurveda and Daily Routine

Daily routine in Ayurveda is called the Dinacharya, and it is a very important part of creating balance in our bodies and minds.

Ayurveda encourages small changes that become consistent over time. Big goals and sudden changes aren't sustainable and only increase your stress.

Here are some suggestions for bringing more energy and lightness of being to your life in the New Year. 

  • Guide your mind to positive thoughts when you wake up

  • Gratitude practice

  • Morning meditation

  • Set positive intentions for the day

Look at the quality and quantity of meals

Eat your main meal at lunchtime, when possible

Choose food full of vital energy (prana)

Eat an early, light evening meal and then nothing after that to encourage good digestion

Eat at regular times

Eat mindfully

Take a short walk after meals

Improve your sleep habits

Keep electronics out of the bedroom and spend time disconnected

Drink almond milk with a pinch of nutmeg at night

Massage your feet with magnesium cream before sleep

Do an evening meditation

Try to get to sleep before 10 pm

Sustainable change

A steady routine is a good foundation for physical health and mental peace. 

You can’t make change sustainable if you pick too many things to integrate. But, you can take one or two and bring them into your day over some time until they feel natural, and then you can choose some more. 

Over time, it’s surprising how much difference you can make to your daily routine by keeping it in mind and making small gentle changes.

When you make consistent changes, it starts to feel like a supportive routine, and it becomes a good foundation for regular self-care. This is one of the key principles for taking good care of our nervous system and calming anxiety.

Book Recommendation:

The Ayurvedic Self-Care Handbook: Holistic healing rituals for every day and season by Sarah Kucera

Mind care

  • Make caring for your mind a daily practice

  • Take breathing breaks throughout the day

  • Practice redirecting negative thoughts

  • Clearing “What if” fearful thinking

Review your environment

We all take many subconscious cues from our environment, which drive our choices, habits, and behaviors. For more on this, we recommend reading Atomic Habits by James Clear.

It could be very helpful for your general well-being and calming anxiety to review the areas where you spend most of your time.

Reducing clutter, moving things out of sight that distract us.

Bringing in scents, images, and colors that support our good intentions.

By changing and upgrading your environment, you can create an atmosphere that reminds you of who you are when you’re at your best.

Include things like images of inspiring quotes, and photographs. Keep books on hand that you intend to read, or keep a journal nearby. These sweet additions prompt you to make supportive choices rather than reach for your phone and get lost in distraction.


Guided Tapping Session: Flipping Negative What If Thinking on our Patreon

Affirmations for lifting anxious thoughts — also on our Patreon

And the thought redirecting practice in our new Ayurveda Course for calming anxiety in the Anxiety Slayer Academy.

Join us on a journey of self-discovery, where you can learn about healing routines, nutrition, and ancient practices to help you calm anxiety and feel more energy, creativity, and joy in your life.

In this course, we walk you through how to get to know your unique constitution and support yourself through lifestyle adjustments, diet, and daily choices for balanced living.
Click to >>Find out more…