590: How to care for yourself when you’re anxious and have no motivation

Welcome back to the Anxiety Slayer podcast, as May is mental health awareness month, we’re talking about understanding mental health and where to find support. Many of this month’s episodes are in response to questions about mental health from our private Facebook group.



People don’t always realize that physical symptoms like headaches, teeth-grinding and even digestive issues can be indicators of stress and anxiety.

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Points covered in this episode:

Here’s our second question for Mental Health Awareness month: “How to summon up the motivation to help yourself, or practice self-care when you are so low or anxious you don’t feel like doing anything? What the best first steps might be, and how to talk yourself into doing them?”

This question addresses a big challenge with anxiety and the exhaustion and loss of hope, or motivation that often comes with it.

Start with some questions for gaining clarity

Ask yourself what exactly is causing the lack of motivation. It’s not the same for everyone and getting clear can help with the next steps.

Is it pure exhaustion from anxiety?

Is it that you don’t believe anything will help?

Or you just don’t know where to start?

Or something else?

Spend a few minutes journaling to clear your mind, or talk to someone you trust and express how you’re feeling.

Gather support and inspiration

Sometimes, we can’t do it on our own. We need support, and we need inspiration.

You could start a thread in our private Facebook group asking some members to team up with you and share what helps them.

Consider professional support for guidance and encouragement with self-care.

Decide on a couple of small things that are easy to start with and ask a friend to check in with and hold you accountable.

Or try a habit tracking app that nudges you every day and encourages you not to break the chain.

Take small steps

Start with something small. Like doing some stretches, morning pages, Tapping, or taking a short walk each morning.

Note how you feel afterwards so that you are conscious of the benefits.

Listen to success stories

Look out for others who’ve taken action in self-care during challenging times and see what strength and inspiration you can draw from them.

Is it here an author that inspires you? Or a Ted Talk? Look around for stories that give you some hope and motivation.

Find a way to move every day

Can you join a walking group, or an online group that offers encouragement to move? There’s a group called “Walk the Mind” on Facebook that’s a safe place for those struggling with mental health to share their walks and worries.

Make an Anxiety Slayer care kit

Some items we recommend:

Ear plugs, headphones

Lavender oil

Rescue Remedy night time spray

Relaxing tea selection: Lemon balm, chamomile, peppermint and fennel

Pukka Herbs Love Tea and their Relax Blend are very calming

An uplifting book

Anxiety Slayer