503: How to calm anxiety when stepping back into the world after lockdown


This week we're talking about how to calm the anxiety many of us are facing in returning to work, or stepping back into the world after the lockdown.

While some are eager to get back to work and sense of normalcy and structure. Many have enjoyed the quiet time and more time with family and are sad to leave that behind.


Points covered in this episode:

Make a self-care kit

  • Carry whatever protection you have decided on and a back-up

  • Rescue Remedy - spray or pastilles

  • Water

You can find a list of the things we recommend you carry for calming anxiety here.

Practice self-care at home to the best of your ability

  • Nutrition

  • Rest

  • Walking to release adrenalin and clear your head

Learn techniques to help you feel calm and in control

The Long Exhale

Here's how to do it:

1. You can do this breathing practice sitting or standing. Drop your shoulders and let your jaw relax.

2. Breath in slowly through your nose and count to four. Keep your shoulders down and allow your stomach to expand as you draw your breath in.

3. Hold for a count of two.

4. Now release your breath slowly and fully through your mouth as you count to seven.

5. Repeat for a 4-5 cycles.

Stress and anxiety are reduced when we pause to breath and focus on making a longer out breath.

The pause between your incoming and outgoing breaths gives you a moment of stillness where everything is suspended, if you can learn to focus on that moment you will find this a very calming experience.

The Calming Point

A calming secret from the ancient Healing Science of Ayurveda that calms the heart and eases anxiety.

To find the point make a fist with your left hand and look for where your middle finger touches your palm. Now press that point with the thumb of your right hand for about a minute while you take deep steady breaths. 

In closing

These are challenging times for everyone, but not everyone will respond in the same way. How you choose to support yourself is both personal and valid. An important part in overcoming anxiety is finding the tools and techniques that serve you well and using them with self-respect.

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