486: Getting through the things we face in life that can feel so overwhelming

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This week we’re talking about getting through the things we face in life that can feel so overwhelming

When the little things feel big and too much to cope with, it’s a nudge that we need to slow down and take better care of ourselves.




Points covered in this episode:

Overwhelm can be a response to anxiety, change, trauma, exhaustion or depression. And, while we often feel like we should push through, it’s seldom helpful.

Ironically, the more cortisol we have in the bloodstream, the more sensitive we become to stressful events. Even very small events such as being late for work or having a minor allergic reaction will trigger the release of even more stress hormones. We are caught in a downward spiral of stress-provoking hypersensitivity to stress. Pretty soon we begin to feel stressed out and battle-ready (or battle-fearful) most of the time. It becomes a way of life.
— Dr. Claudia Welch, Ayurvedic teacher and author.

Focus on self-nurturing

- Eating well

- Resting

- Journalling

- Asking for support

- Talking with a trusted friend

- Getting out in nature

- Massage

- Energy-work

- EFT Tapping

Overwhelm and low energy

Nourish your mind with the things that inspire you. Focus on what you love and what brings positive energy to your mind. Nourishing the mind helps us regain enthusiasm for our life, tasks and challenges.

Start small and acknowledge small wins

Chunk tasks down into small pieces. Focus on one step at a time and let it be enough. The mind will hold us in procrastination and overwhelm all day and then berate us for doing nothing at night.

Bach Flower Remedies: Elm

Elm is the remedy for when we get overwhelmed by responsibility. It supports us when we feel burdened and low and lose confidence in our ability to cope.

Anxiety Slayer Academy Resource:

How to Calm Your Fragile Mind Finding freedom from unwanted thoughts

We often receive questions in our inbox asking us to teach more about finding relief from unwanted thoughts and painful emotions. And also receive regular requests for more information on Ayurveda and its teachings on calming the mind - this is the course where we go in-depth into both subjects.

  • Discover how to use your senses to calm your mind

  • Feel the Emotional Stress Release Technique dissolving worry from the forefront of your mind

  • Follow a guided EFT Tapping Practice for honoring and soothing your emotions

  • Experience our Guided Ayurvedic Meditation for finding peace in the present moment

I listened to a sample of How to Calm Your Fragile Mind. I cried. I cried because it made more sense than any medical practitioner I’ve met in my 38 years. Your words instantly helped me find relief. Thank you. -Nadine

Save 25% on How to Calm Your Fragile Mind with the coupon code: peace through the end of this month.

Anxiety Slayer