447: The power of self-care for calming anxiety

In this week’s podcast, we’re talking about some of the steps and practices that can help you feel calm and in control of anxiety.
One of the questions we get asked most about anxiety is what one thing can I do to feel better?
In our experience with anxiety self-care is very important and helps calm anxiety at its core, and the more committed we are to that care, the better we will feel.
The challenge with anxiety is that we can feel so overwhelmed, we don’t know where to start and that’s where having a framework with guided steps and practices really helps.
And now is the best time to start a self-care program, in the spring/summer transition where there is more light and colour and it’s easier to get outside and move your body.
In this episode, we’re talking about some of the steps and practices that can help you feel calm and in control of anxiety.
We'll be talking about:
and also ways to use mindfulness while walking in nature to feel grounded and peaceful.
We hope you found this episode supportive, and invite you to explore the 3 ways we can help you in moving forward with slaying your anxiety